Covering all of Cyprus
The existing bitumen felt allowed water to pass through and cause leakage at this property. Bitumen is not able to withstand ponding water. This roof had defects with the falls, which were not rectified and the rain was not running to the various drainage holes.
The size of the roof drain pipes were far too small to cope with the deluge of rain that we can experience here.
Most Flat roofs in Cyprus have not been built with the right falls and size of drain pipes to allow the water to pass into the drains.
Also the drain outlets have not been adequately sealed.
Any waterproofing system for this type of roof must be able to withstand permanent standing water, resistant system will fail and 99% of Waterproofing systems sold in Cyprus can only resist rain.
Our Wetsuit® System has been applied by our trained applicators, on the existing defective waterproofing. No need for their removal, when using Wetsuit®. Our system can remain under water permanently without leaking.
We made sure to seal around the water stand at the base, and all ingress service pipes on the roof. The membrane system continues up the wall junction, to a height of 10cm and is continuing over the top section of the wall.
The 20-year warranty has been issued for our trusting client, who was very happy to have no maintenance on his roof for the next 20 years.