Contact | Waterproofing Services Cyprus
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    Leoforos Mesogios 52, Main Mesogi Road, Paphos 8280, Cyprus

    +(357) 26 934622
    +(357) 99 127497

    Working Hours

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Wednesday, Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
    Sunday Closed
    Public Holidays Closed

    The Renovation Group operates all across the Republic of Cyprus, with our headquarters located in Mesogi, Paphos. GPS 34.798935, 32.441318


    • From the A6 motorway roundabout in Paphos, take the exit towards the town (not tourist area, not Konia). At the water fountain roundabout, head straight over (not towards hospital), and pass through the first traffic lights. At the second traffic lights, take the right filter lane and turn right onto the Mesogi Avenue. We are about 2km up the hill, on the right.
    • From the Papantoniou supermarket in the Paphos town, take the ‘Polis Road’ towards Tsada. We are about 4km up the hill, on the right.