A Leaking Flat Roof, Limassol - Waterproofing Cyprus
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Leaking Flat Roof, Limassol, Cyprus


Leaking flat roof, July 2018

We completed Wetsuit to the roof and thermal insulation to the walls.

The issue
This flat roof had within the last 2 years had new bitumen installed but had rain coming through the roof and and damaging the ceilings of the apartments below .
The previous contractors had used 4mm high quality bitumen roll and at first review looked to be one of the more ‘’professional’’ installations – they had even used primer coatings which is unusual and the client oversaw the works and took many pictures.
Later they took video of the roof where the water was not draining away and you can see many areas with rain just pooling and standing .
The building was in excess of 40 years old
The cause
The roof had defects with the falls which were not rectified and the rain was not running to the various drainage holes – further to this with the size of the roof the drain pipes were far too small to cope with the deluge of rain that we can experience here.
The bitumen seams were already starting to come apart and allowing water to get underneath the waterproofing.
Bitumen rolls cannot withstand standing/pooling  water for too long before it becomes saturated and eventually leaks so the internal damage was considerable and even more of a concern was the age of the building and the rusting of the iron inside the concrete roof beam which expands and eventually will lead to a structural failure .
The permanent solution

The client opted to thermally insulate the roof with 50mm thermal boards
Wetsuit was applied over the thermal boards which formed a permanent waterproof seal.

Wetsuit is designed to withstand pooling water and this does not affect the warranty in any form.

The falls were left defective although slightly improved using the thermal boards and we also changed the size of the drainage pipes to larger diameters.

A 20 year warranty was issued.


Thank-you so much for the follow up. We took a risk but you have exceeded all our expectations – something I’ve never experienced with tradespeople in Cyprus.


You have a new found advocate and supporter in me of you and your business – and there will be follow on referrals. Already my cousin (who is Australian born but lives in Cyprus) has a work colleague (also Australian born) who was asking about the job and your company. I have already passed on your details.


Best wishes for an enduring and successful business and we will look forward to meeting with you again but this time for a lovely dinner catch up (we hope June next year?). Thanks again.


Andrea and Con